What Is the Northernmost Asian Capital City?

The northernmost capital cities in Asia are all in central Asia region, and compared to many European city, they are far less to the north.

The northernmost Asian capital city is Astana (Nur-Sultan), the capital of Kazakhstan. It is followed by Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia, Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, and Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan.

These cities are marked in the zoomable map below, so please zoom in to see details:

The data used in this text are from Wikipedia.

Astana (Nur-Sultan)

This city is with a latitude of 51.17 degrees north. It is mentioned also in my text about the coldest capitals in the world, where it is on the second place.

It is interesting that London is more to the north that Astana, not to speak about the Scandinavian capitals.

Yet another important detail about this city is that it was built as a planned city, and it became the capital in 1997. So it is one of many planned capitals in the world.

They changed the name of the city recently into Nur-Sultan. Please see more about this city in this video:


Ulan Bator (Ulaanbaatar)

The latitude of this Mongolian capital city is 47.92 degrees north. So it is considerably less to the north than Astana. But this is also the coldest capital city in the world. Please follow the link to read more about this city.


This capital of former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan is with the latitude of 42.87 degrees north. This is also the largest city in the country with a population of over one million people.

The city was established in 1825 under the name of Pishpek. It was declared the capital in 1925, and later Soviets changed its name into Frunze.

The present name was adopted in 1991 by the Kyrgyz parliament. Please see more about this place in the video:



The latitude of Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, is 41.27 degrees north. This is the largest city in Central Asia with its population that is around three million people. In the time of Soviet Union this was the fourth largest city.

The name is of Turkish origin and it means “Stone City”. The city has a long history, it has been known in written history for 2200 years. In 1865 it became the part of the Russian Empire and the capital of Russian Turkestan.

I think you would want to see this video, it shows a lot from this city:

So this was the list of the northernmost capital cities in Asia, and all four of them are impressive in their own ways. Some of them are with a very long history and some ultra new and modern.

These are capitals of huge countries, take Kazakhstan as an example, this is the 9th largest country in the world with is 2.7 million square kilometers. This makes it four times larger than France, yet not many people would be able to find it on the map. Mongolia is by size at the place 18 in the world, it is far bigger than Spain or Germany.

You might want to read also my text about capitals in Asia with the highest elevation and about the westernmost capital city in Asia.

Bookmark this site and keep as a reference, it is all about capitals in the world. Thank you for reading. Let me know if you have questions, there is a comment box below.

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